1-26-07 - Colorado - This was shot for a Western Fashion Advertising Photography client - go here and here to see 2 selects. 1-24-07 - Colorado - This was shot for a Western Fashion Advertising Photography client - go here to see a select. 1-22-07 - Colorado - This was about 40 minutes after the sun had gone down for a Western Lifestyle Advertising Photography client, a trail riding outfitter - go here to see a select. 1-22-07 -
Colorado - This was shot late afternoon for a Western Lifestyle Advertising Photography client, a trail riding outfitter - go here to see a select. 1-19-07 - Colorado - This was shot late afternoon for a Western Lifestyle Advertising Photography project - go here to see a select. 1-17-07 - Colorado - This was shot for a Western Fashion Advertising Photography client - go here and here and here to see 3 selects. 12-6-06 - Shot a series of images for a Cowboy Fashion client, go here to see a select. 10-5-06 -
Burns, Colorado - This was shot on a very
gray, rainy & cold morning in Burns, Colorado for a Cowboy
Website Advertising Photography project go here for a select. 9-29-06 - Sunset in Wolcott, Colorado - This was shot for a Cowboy Advertising Photography project go here for a select. 9-28-06 - Sunrise in Wolcott, Colorado - Shot for 30 minutes for a Cowboy Advertising Photography project - go here for a select. This project started well before sunrise which was about 7 AM. We were on the ranch about 5:30 AM to call in the herd of horses. The cowboys then saddled up and rode out at pre-dawn to locate the herd of cattle and drive them to the location I had scouted a few days before. I had several radios in use to be able to communicate with the cowboys as to the status of pushing the cattle in position and then directing them where to push the herd next. 9-26-06 - Sunrise in Wolcott, Colorado - This was shot while scouting for a Cowboy Advertising Photography project - go here for a select. 4-28-06 - Just posted a new Flash Cowboy movie project which is from a series Cowboy images taken in Wolcott, CO. at one of my favorite locations to shoot in the winter. It is just off I-70 making it easy to get to, it has a huge pasture allowing sweeping light to get in, it has several stands of trees, mounted Cowboys, 60-70 horses and about 100 head of Texas Longhorn cattle. The owner always was after me to shoot in the fall so in September I flew out and spent a week shooting. In this image I'm panning the camera with the action to help keep some of the image sharp enough to see what is in the scene and yet still have a lot of blur. The very nature of panning with a long shutter speed while hand holding the camera means I need to shoot a lot of images to get one or two stunning images. The opening Flash movie segment, which took about three hours to design and prep & less than 10 minutes to shoot, was shot 10-15 minutes after the sun had set which allowed me to get the exposure down to 1/10 of a second and get the sky I wanted. What I wanted was for the cattle to walk without stopping to graze. I showed my cowboy wrangler what I needed and he put some feed down at the north end of the pasture and allowed the cattle to eat and then pushed them off of the feed to the southern end. He then had the cowboys push the cattle to the north end while I walked alongside the cowboys & the cows looking at framing. When I had determined the “Line” I wanted the cows to walk I showed this to the head wrangler. He then had the cowboys push the cattle back south & held them there until I said, “Go!” What I did was to shoot a few frames, pick up the camera bag and run to the next spot and shoot a few frames, grab the camera bag and run again. The time frame that a photographer has to shoot this quality, intensity and color of light after sunset is around 8-10 minutes, which is not long. At the same time I'm giving directions to the wranglers holding the herd tight, keeping the speed to the level I was looking for and moving in the direction I wanted. The second Flash movie segment was shot earlier in the day while prepping for the final sequence. Go here to see the movie. 4-13-06 Sunrise - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a 40 minute Cowboy project - go here for a select. I always shoot at sunrise at this location. The horseman, Craig Marple, always has great animated horses & can control them from the ground. 4-12-06 Sunset - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a 90 minute Cowgirl project - go here for a select. This is one of a series of shots for an ad to run in "Cowboys & Indians Magazine." I had shot for 40 minutes and the sun set behind a mountain. So we waited for 40 minutes for the sun to "Set" and shot this series of images. 4-12-06 Sunrise - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a 40 minute Cowboy project - go here for a select. Here is Craig Marple working one of his horses. Note the front hoofs are off the ground as Craig cues the horse to turn to its left. 4-11-06 - Sunrise - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a 20 minute Cowboy project - go here for a select. he horseman, Craig Marple, always has great animated horses & can control them from the ground. This shot of DunnBoy is only one of a dozen high energy images I got that morning. 4-10-06 - Sunset - Cave Creek, AZ - Shot cactus - personal project - go here for a select. 10 minutes. 4-10-06 - Sunrise - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a 40 minute Cowboy project - go here for a select. The horseman, Craig Marple, always has great animated horses & can control them from the ground. This shot of DunnBoy is only one of a dozen high energy images I got that morning. 4-9-06 - Sunset - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a Cowboy project - go here for a select. This is one of a series of images shot for CM Cinches to be run as ads in "Cowboys & Indians Magazine." 4-9-06 - Sunrise - Rio Verde, AZ - Shot a Cowboy project - go here for a select. 4-7-06 - After spending the night in the Ft. Worth Stockyards Hotel, on the National Register of historical places, I shot the stockyards, or what is left of them as a personal project. Go here for a select. 4-6-06 - Shot a Cowboy project with 8 times World Champion roper Roy Cooper - the first $2 million dollar rodeo cowboy - on his ranch in Texas. Go here for a select. 1-21-06 sunrise - Shot a series of Cowboys and Longhorn cattle in the snow in Wolcott, CO. - It was 11 degrees below zero. Challenge: Keeping the batteries warm. Solution: Put the batteries in a Lightware pouch with 2 hand warmers in with the batteries & keep the pouch in the inside coat pocket. You can see a select here. 1-20-06 - Shot a series of Cowboys in the snow in Wolcott, CO. - I was riding on a tall horse and to give you an idea of just how deep the snow was while riding my boot was halfway in the snow it was 15 degrees when we got back to the barn - You can see a select here. |
This entire web site © Steve Thornton
This entire website & all images are Copyright Steve Thornton
This site is part of Buy the World Now ™